Tipping Point读书笔记


我这个人总是这样,喜新厌旧,The Hard Thing About Hard Thing刚写了一半,然后就跑来先把The Tipping Point的写了。

Anyways, 以下是笔记。由于这次读的是纸质书,所以每一个都有相应的页码和章节,具体请参照美国版的The Tipping Point即可。

  1. The success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts. (P. 33, Ch. 2) 这个感觉就很想人以类聚,物以群分,一个好的产品应该是有一个非常明确的受众群,一个非常明确的圈子。

  2. Six degree of separation doesn’t mean that everyone is linked to everyone else in just six steps. It means that a very small number of people are linked to everyone else in a few steps, and the rest of us are linked to the world through those special few. (P. 36-37, Ch 2) 这里后面作者很细致的讲了三种不同的人的分类,通过这三种人来让产品达到tipping point。这里非常像一个互联网节点,也非常想美国的航空公司的航线的感觉,总是有那么几个大城市作为central cities然后所有的航线都到这个大城市,然后再分别到下一个二级,三级城市去。

  3. When it comes to finding out about new jobs, – or for that matter, new information, or new ideas – “weak ties” are always more important than strong ties. Your friend, after all, occupy the same world that you do. (P. 54, Ch. 2.4) 记得曾经听到的一个就是,一般帮你解决问题的都是不太熟的朋友,或者就是这个道理吧。

  4. Motor mimicry: we imitate each other’s emotions as a way of expressing support and caring and, even more basically, as a way of communicating with each other. (P. 84, Ch 2.11) 感觉是会通过这种细小的模仿机制传染的。

  5. Reaching the consumer with the message is not the hard part of direct marketing. What’s difficult is getting consumer to stop, read the advertisement, remember it and the act on it. (P. 93, Ch 3.1) 记得之前看过广告大师David Ogilvy那本《广告人的自白》就在讲如何用广告去抓住客户。

  6. Two seemingly counterintuitive aspects of persuasion: 1. In some UNCONSCIOUS way, like Peter Jennings on ABC example; 2. CHARISMATIC PEOPLE – infect others with emotion. The implications of those two go to the heart of the Law of the Few, because they suggest that what we think of as inner state – preference and emotions – are actually powerfully and imperceptibly influenced by seemingly inconsequential personal influences. (P. 151 – 152, Ch. 4.4) 这里算是一个承上启下的部分,对于之前讲的一个知识点的总结。

  7. There are certain times and places and conditions when much of that can be swept away, that there are instances where you can take normal people from good schools and happy families and good neighborhoods and powerfully affect their behavior merely by changing the immediate details of their situations. (P. 155, Ch. 4.4) 强调了环境对一个人的影响,以至于Situations是作为context效应非常重要的一环。

  8. All of us, when it comes to personality naturally think in terms of absolutes: that a person is a certain way or is not a certain way. (P. 158, Ch 4.4) 二分法的错误,然后作者接着指出:The mistake we make in thinking of character as something unified and all-compassing is very similar to a kind of blind spot in the way we process information. Psychologists call this tendency the Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE), which is a fancy way of saying that when it comes to interpreting other people’s behavior, human beings invariably make the mistake of overestimating the importance of fundamental character traits and underestimating the importance of the situation and context. (P. 160, Ch 4.4)。作者在这里用了心理学的专业名词来解释了人们对于behavior context的忽视。

  9. When people are asked to consider evidence or make decisions in a group, they come to very different conclusions than when they are asked the same questions by themselves. (P.171, Ch 5.1) 作者这里用了从众效应来细化了为什么Context很重要,会影响人做决策和考虑问题。

  10. Channel capacity: the amount of space in our brain for certain kinds of information. (P. 175, Ch 5.2) 然后作者在后面细化了说social channel capacity,通过对于各种动物的观察,来引出了一个叫做Rule of 150, 具体是在讲the size of a group is another one of those subtle contextual factors that can make big differences. (P. 182, Ch 5.3) 在小团体里面,一般power of context更能发挥作用,这个size设定在了150, 这个数字是根据很多实验的出来的,作者在这一章节进行了非常详细的解释。

  11. When people know each other well, they create an implicit joint memory system – a trans-active memory system – which is based on an understanding about who is best suited to remember what kinds of things. (P. 188, Ch 5.3) 这里作者再一次细化了一个关于the power of context的原因,然后作者在最后用例子总结到:That’s the advantage of adhering to the Rule of 150: you can exploit the bonds of memory and peer pressure. (P. 191, Ch 5.3)

后面作者举了2个Case Studies具体用事例讲了Tipping Points,然后总的总结了前面的要点,我就不赘述了。


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