2015 Checklist

I really need to fucking sort out to-do list for 2015.


1. Finish all graduate schools’ application 

2. Figure out the year plan and time slot for Stoooges

2.1 No more counseling work

2.2 Make tech work concise

2.3 Time block for planned work

3. Decide time frame through Jun.


1. Maybe go back home for lunar year  Impossible

2. Maybe learn pilot license if weather possible Impossible

3. Books to-do list (to be continued)

3.1 The hard thing about hard thing

3.2 Lean Startup again

3.3 Capital in 21st Century (half done)

3.4 Innovators (half done)

3.5 Mindmap

3.6 意识光谱 (half done)

4. MOOC 4 Courses

5. Upenn Application Done

6. Hacking Week

7. Plan to Europe



1. Book ticket back China

2. Go to Hangzhou for Stoooges

3. Plan to Bali

4. Prepare for Bali

4.1 Smart home

4.2 Database

4.3 App Dev.

4.4 Axure

5. Finish Feb Books

6. France Trip Plan


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